Russia in Ukraine and more

As I have expressed in earlier blogs, the upheaval in Ukraine started because the USA did not observe its obligations resulting from the agreement, concluded between Russia and NATO. – Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and the Russian Federation signed in Paris, France, Last updated: 12 Oct. 2009 17:48:

– Since the silent war between official forces of Ukraine and Russian separatists continues in spite of promises, verbal agreements among the three sides involved, we can conclude that Russia is also responsible for the unnecessary, stupid bloodshed.
We have a second (or third, if we count the Israel-Palestine conflict as well) hotbed of fire.

A lot of news appears lately about the fact that Russia is also on the path of over armament, becoming again a real war danger. I believe Russia is still weak to confront the gendarme of the world, and its armament may be affected also by the behavior of China on the one hand, and the world market price of oil (further reduction of which is expected, according to expert predictions) on the other hand. And the latter might be the most dangerous development: the further weakening of Russia will definitely increase its „anger”.

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